

三一高中部长 is a week-long course between the Fall and Spring semesters. Students choose from a menu of forty courses designed by the 上学校 Faculty and taught in teams. These dynamic courses have included intensive cooking workshops, 歌曲创作与制作, a behind the scenes exploration of the New York City Art World, 舞蹈工作室, 黑色电影的研究, 飞行模拟课程, 还有更多. 该项目邀请学生放慢节奏, to focus on an area of inquiry or activity that they feel passionate about, 尝试新事物, and to have serious fun halfway through the school year. The experience encourages individual growth and a sense of community through collaboration, 订婚, 和发现. Each course is graded Pass/Fail and most consist of a mixture of classroom activities and off-campus excursions around New York City and beyond. 在它的核心, Minimester enacts John Dewey’s belief that the best learning results from the reciprocal interplay of doing and thinking.  


三一高中部长, 将于2020年1月首次亮相, 提供为期一周的, intensive coursework between the Fall and Spring semesters. Consider this coursebook to be an invitation: an invitation to slow down, to focus on an area of inquiry or activity that you feel passionate about, 尝试新事物 — to learn because it’s fun. Minimester courses are divided into five areas: 使, 放大, 探索, 移动 and 拔掉. These five areas ensure an impressive diversity of courses not otherwise available within the 上学校 curriculum. As you look over the fabulous offerings described across the pages of this book, we encourage you to sign up for courses that genuinely intrigue you. Allow yourself to pursue a talent or interest that life’s frenetic pace might otherwise keep you from discovering. 承担风险. 犯错误. 是开放的! 其核心是, we hope that the Minimester will be a joyful educational experience that will not only provide fora for individual growth, but will also bring us closer together as a community, 鼓励我们以新的方式学习和合作, 激动人心的方法. 欢迎来到部长. 让我们开始吧."
I am so pleased and proud to be able to introduce you to our newly created Minimester program!  This new initiative has been in the works for a long time and is the result of the 有创意的 and 知识 effort of every single member of the 上学校 教职员工.  The idea for this project came from the work of the Student Wellbeing Committee (SWBC), which involved 85 members of the Trinity community who spent the entirety of the 2016-2017 school year delving into the various ways students at Trinity thrive and struggle and work and play.  It was the strong recommendation of the SWBC that Trinity devote significant energy and resources toward the task of creating time for all of us to be together in new, 有创意的, 鼓舞人心的, 动态的方式-为严肃的乐趣创造空间, away from the normal pressures of grades and assessments and achievement.  We wanted to carve out time for learning and 订婚 that would be “pure” ­— learning for the sake and for the love of it. The mini courses offered here in this catalog are the result of that recommendation.  Your teachers have been working hard to come up with ideas designed to open new physical, 知识, 和想象的门给你.  五种类型的经验-制造, 移动, 拔掉, 放大 and 探索 — represent the pillars of our thinking; each offering has been built in the name of generating curiosity and enthusiasm. 这对我们所有人来说都是一个多么好的机会啊! I know I speak for all of your teachers when I say that we simply cannot wait to launch this reimagined form of school.  
-Alexis Mulvihill(学校副校长)
I am so excited to be able to introduce you to Trinity’s first incarnation of the Minimester program. I’m fairly certain that you have no real idea of what to expect, 这, 简而言之, 是这个项目魔力的一部分吗. On most days that we go to school, we can have a pretty clear sense of our expectations. What Minimester is about is to reinject a sense of surprise into your daily interactions at school. Regardless of what course you take during this special week, you will encounter modes of learning that will cause you to think about school, 你生活的环境, 甚至用一种新的方式来对待你们自己. School should be — and Trinity always is ­— about allowing you to develop and then to explore 知识 passions. 这个想法是部长的核心. Our sincere hope is that by the end of the week you will have made new connections, 参与刺激的对话, 成长为一个学习者. Maybe you’ll even discover something about yourself and your interests that will spur you to follow new and exciting 知识 paths. 我等不及这周的到来了, 同样重要的是, I look forward to hearing about all of your experiences. 享受旅程!
位于纽约市的上西区, 正规买球app排行是一所大学预科学校, 男女同校的私立学校,提供K-12年级的教育. 自1709年以来, Trinity has provided a world-class education to its students with rigorous academics and outstanding programs in athletics, 艺术, 同行的领导, 还有全球旅行.